Christopher M. Sedelmaier, Ph.D.

Ph.D. Program Assistant Director
Criminal Justice Department
Henry C. Lee College of Criminal Justice and Forensic Sciences
Ph.D., Rutgers University, 2003
M.A., Rutgers University, 1999
B.S., The College of New Jersey, 1996
Research Interests
Crime Prevention, Transit Systems and Crime, Environmental Criminology, Routine Activity Theory, Rational Choice Theory, and Crime Analysis
Recently Published Books and Articles
Kringen, J.A., Sedelmaier, C. M., & Dlugolenski, E. (2018) Foot Patrol: The Impact of Continuity, Outreach, and Traditional Policing Activities, Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice, pay006,
Kringen, J.A., Sedelmaier, C. M., & Elink-Schuurman-Laura, K. (2016). Assessing the Relevance of Statistics and Crime Analysis Courses for Working Crime Analysts. Journal of Criminal Justice Education, 28:2, 155-173, DOI: 10.1080/10511253.2016.1192211.
Sedelmaier, C. M. (2015). "Wolves to the door" or "lambs to the slaughter?" Crime opportunity searches on a new public transport system. In: Safety and Security in Transit Environments: An interdisciplinary Approach, V. Ceccato and A. Newton (Eds.), London: Palgrave.
Sedelmaier, C.M., & Gaboury, M.T. (2015) Administering a Victim Impact Curriculum to Inmates: A Multi-site Replication. Criminal Justice Studies: A Critical Journal of Crime, Law and Society, 28(2), 226-238.
Tartaro, C., and Sedelmaier, C. (2009). A tale of two counties: The impact of pretrial release, race and ethnicity upon sentencing decisions. Criminal Justice Studies: 22, (2), 203-221.
Gaboury, M.T., Sedelmaier, C.M., Monahan, L., and Monahan, J. (2008). A preliminary evaluation of behavior outcomes in a corrections-based victim awareness program for offenders. Journal of Victims and Offenders Vol. 3, No. 2-3, pp. 217-227.
Recent Conference Presentations
Ndrecka, M. and Sedelmaier, C. M. (2017) Risk assessment, race, and recidivism – Examining Potential Predictive Bias, Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Philadelphia PA
Sedelmaier, C. M., DeCarlo, J., & Morris, D. D. (2017) Community Mediation as an Alternative to Police Response to Citizen Disputes: Problems and Promise, Asian Association of Police Studies Annual Conference, Mahidol University International College, Salaya, Thailand. July 27, 2017.
Sedelmaier, C. M. (2016). Challenges and Solutions for Researching Community Perspectives. Summer 2016 Smart Policing Initiative Collaboration Workshop, Lowell, MA.
Sedelmaier C. M. (2016) Enhancing Community PolicingCOPS (Mediation)
Courses Taught
- CJST 2250 Scientific Methods in Criminal Justice
- CJST 2251/6613 Quantitative Applications in Criminal Justice
- CJST 4555/6555 Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design
- CJST 4557/6657 Crime Mapping and Crime Analysis
- CJST 6611 Research Methods in Criminal Justice
- CJST 6615 Foundations of Scholarship
- CJST 7722 Advanced Quantitative Applications in Criminal Justice
- CJST 7730 Advanced Research Methods in Criminal Justice